DCPS Open House – Tabling Outreach

As part of our continued partnership with our local public school system, DCPS, we do our best to make it out to the schools for different events throughout the school year. During this time of the year, we are mainly heading out to each school’s open house event. These events typically feature different organizations from the local community coming out and setting up tables to provide the school staff, students, and parents with information about their organization. This was from my first open house of this school year! I was lucky enough to be placed as the very first table meaning that I was able to see everyone that came out to the event! For my tabling outreaches, I like to bring multiple flyers detailing the different programs and services that we offer at the library. Additionally, I bring a lot of goodies to give out to the kids, including: Free books, magic color-changing pencils, stickers, and bookmarks. For this particularly open house, I gave out over 60 books, 100 pencils, and countless stickers & bookmarks! Being able to reach 150-200 individuals at these events makes them very valuable marketing opportunities for our library and helps to strengthen our partnership with DCPS and strengthens our bond with the local community!

Pictures from DCPS Art Reception

Great success! This was once again a wonderful event and a highlight of the Spring for me! The Duval County Public School art reception brought in over 70 students, artists, parents, and teachers. To make this event special, we set up in the middle of the library, set out some fancy refreshments, and topped it off with some tunes by Chopin.

It is wonderful to see the local community come together to support young budding artists. Some of these works were created by artists in kindergarten!!! Please check out the pictures and take note of the young artists posing with their works. I love living the #LibraryLife!

Duval County Public Schools Art Exhibit

Yay! Today marks the beginning of one of my favorite yearly events, the annual Duval County Public School art exhibit and reception! This is a great event to showcase our partnership with the Duval County Public School system and to showcase artwork by local elementary and middle school children. There were pillars erected that displayed the children’s artwork on all sides.

The local teachers came in today to set up the exhibit and put the artwork out on display. We will have an art reception later next week to celebrate the young artists. Another post will follow!

Check out the art reception from last year on my portfolio section: Portfolio


Bus, Back to School Craft

Oh, back to school… The craziness of the #LibraryLife summer has come to an end and you want a simple craft to get the kids back into the “school time” spirit. This imagination focused craft is straight forward and encourages kids to be creative while practicing their drawing and coloring skills.

Here’s what you need:

  • Paper / Card Stock / or Cardboard
  • Die cut bus or hand cut
  • Glue stick
  • Markers

This craft starts with the kids gluing the bus anywhere on the paper. Encourage them to imagine what they are going to draw as a background before they glue down the bus. After the bus is glued down, the kids can decorate the backgrounds however they want. You could hone this in and have them draw a specific theme or keep it wide open… up to you.

This craft goes great with:

  • My Bus by Byron Barton
  • The Smushy Bus by Leslie Helakoski